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文档介绍:南京红花机场地区概念规划方案汇报 9月 19 日 项目缘起随着南京从主城到都市发展区框架的逐步拉开,红花—机场地区已经完全为城市建成区所包围,既影响了机场的正常使用,也制约了地方经济建设和城市发展,该机场即将搬迁。机场的重新规划会给南京未来稳步的发展带来巨大的机遇,并改善机场周边城市居民的生活环境。一旦现有的机场关闭,周边地块的建筑密度与高度将会迅速地增长,或者从本质上讲,这将是周边居住地块升值兑现的时机。但是由于基地区域位置的显著性,它的再开发必定引起强烈的吸引力。所以在开发过程中有必要抵制住迅速的开发模式,而要寻求更科学与合理的城市发展模式,为开发建设提供规划依据。目前编制“红花—机场地区总体规划”已被列入今年南京市政府城市建设目标。 The redevelopment of the Honghua – Dajiaochang Aiport site that will follow the removal of the current airport activities creates a great opportunity for the city of Nanjing to carefully navigate its future expansion and improve the quality of life for the rest of the city well beyond the boundaries of the airport site. Once the airport is closed, there will be an immediate push to increase densities and building height on surrounding properties, or essentially, to ‘ cash-in ’ on the increased value of adjacent residential properties. The city must resist the pressure to immediately reclaim the site for further urban expansion because a site of this size and in this prominent location creates an opportunity for the city to demand the highest quality of development. The city can afford to be selective with the quality and type of development that occurs here and should use this site as a showcase to establish planning and building standards that can be applied to public development throughout the region. This site has the potential to change the current image of Nanjing and improve the quality of life for the broader Nanjing metropolitan area. 规划范围南京红花—机场地区,规划面积约 平方公里,北部和东北部以秦淮河、运粮河为界;东部、东南部和南部至绕城公路;西至大明路,西南以宁溧路为界。 Planning area is about km2. Qinhuai River and Yunliang River to the north and the northeast; the Ring Road to the east, and the south; Daming road to the west and Ningli expressway to the southwest. 场地概况红花—机场地区水系发达、地势平坦,北望钟山风景区、西接雨花台、牛首山两大风景区,东南和南面与东山新市区、国家级江宁经济技术开发区紧邻,是从南京禄口国际机场进入主城区第一站,距离市中心新街口地区、河西新城区均约 6公里。距离规划的火车南站约 3公里。该区包括了秦淮区六个村的一部分,总人口为 15845 人。大校场机场位于该区中部,占


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