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七年级英语Work Hard课件.ppt.ppt

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七年级英语Work Hard课件.ppt.ppt

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七年级英语Work Hard课件.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:Lesson 55 What Is Good for Our Health? is the most important for us. What is good for our health, do you know? 2. Do you have any good habits? What are they? Free Talk Listen to the Part 1 . Let ’ s see: 1. What does Dean think is good for our health? Good food and exercise. 2. Long ago, how did people get food? They worked hard to catch fish and animals. Listen and answer often went fishing and hunting. 他们经常去钓鱼和打猎。拓展: go fishing 去钓鱼。 go hunting 去打猎。 go+doing 表示一种活动。常见的还有 go swimming 去游泳, go shopping 去购物等等。 Let me help you worked hard to catch fish and animals. 他们努力去抓鱼和动物。拓展: work hard to do sth . 努力工作去做某事。例如: We must work hard to learn English. . I never give up. 我永不放弃。拓展: give up :放弃。与“ stop doing sth .”具有相同的意思。比如: I never give up English. 我永不放弃学习英语。 I never stop learning English. Listen to the Part 2. Tell me : 1. What does Jenny think is good for our health? Good habits. 2. What are good habits? Get up early, help parents do housework …… am helping and exercising at the same time. 我一边在帮忙,一边在做锻炼。拓展: at the same time: 同时。指在同一时间的意思。比如: I do my homework and listen to the music at the same time. 我一边做作业一边听音乐。 Listen and answer 2. I stay up late to play video games. 我熬夜到很晚玩游戏。拓展: stay up: 熬夜。比如: Don ’ t stay up. It is bad for your health. 别熬夜,那对你的健康有害。