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上传人:sssmppp 2020/12/25 文件大小:106 KB




Even after the teacher entered the classroom she talking.
A. carried on B. carried on with
C・ carried out D. goes on
Many notices are placed in the park warning people to the grass.
A. keep off B. keep away
C. keep out D・ keep out of
Nowhere else in the world more friendly people than in China.
A. you will fi nd B. cany oubeabletofi nd
C. you may have fo un d D. cany ou fi nd
The audienee wondered why the professor had not yet.
A. look up B. turned up
C. taken up D. made up
This time on next Friday I to Spain.
A. was flying B. is flying
C. shall be flying D. have been flying
I didn' t know what tricks he might .
A. be up to B・ up to
C・ be up D・ be to do
一Do you really trust John?
—Who do you think trust, if not ?
I can, he B・ can I, him
C. I can, him D. can I, he
—I'm sorry I can't join you in the travel.
Great. B. What a pity!
C. It' s a pity. D. What fun!
On his way home he found a silver coin, .
A. has a man' s head in his face B・ with a man' s head in his face
C. with a man' s head on his face D. has a mas head on his face
The woman was so sad at the thought that she could not afford
such a beautiful dress.
A. to take B・ takingC. took D・ take
Our company skilled workers very much.
A. calls on B. calls at C・ calls for D・ calls upon
now they have finished only half of the work.
A. Unless B・ Up till C・ Not until D. From
Ido n' t like the colour of the bike. ,it' s too expe nsive.
A. Otherwise B・ However C. Besides D. Except
After he was shown the hall, he was really pleased with all the
new products .
around; on the show B. out; on show
C. out; on the show D・ around; on show
At that time the two countries were , and they were killed .
A. in battle; in the battle B. in the battle; in battle
C. at battle; at the battle D. at war; at the battle
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意撚后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和D)中,选出最佳选项.
Mr Brown, a sh


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