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Research Research Paper
School of Foreign Languages
Central China Normal University
I。 What is research?
1。 Pure research
a term usually associated
with natural sciences
making discoveries or
enriching knowledge about
the universe or man
I。 What is research?
a 2. Scholarly research
much like pure research except that
the researcher works mainly through
records compiled by other men; they
do such research for a course or for
I。 What is research?
3. Applied research
a put what has been discovered or
theorized to practical application, or
research for practical purposes
technical or business research
I。 What is research?
4 Research method
Research requires that you develop a
viewpoint toward your material take a
stand express some original thought
It is not enough to gather and interpret
facts and ideas
it is necessary to analyze, evaluate and
draw conclusions from them
II What is not research?
1. a summary of an
article or a book
2. The ideas of others
repeated uncritical
II What is not research?
group of quotations, however
skillfully put together
Quotations are important; they are
the words of experts in your field
and can support your own ideas
4. Unsubstantial personal opinion
II What is not research?
5. Copying another person' s work
without acknowledging it
t is morally wrong to pass off as
your own any writing you did not
do or to present such work
without acknowledgement of a
III. Five Steps to a
Research Paper
Choosing the topic
-. Collecting information
. Evaluating materials
Organizing ideas
· Writing the paper
III. Five Steps to a
Research Paper
Choosing the topic
1) Types of topics
Assigned topics
Field-of-study topics
Free-choice topics
any topics needing investigation


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