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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/27 文件大小:31 KB





Culture can be defined as the coherent learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior.
Maslow chart
Maslow chart is like a pyramid and was put forward by Abraham Maslow, a psychologist, has suggested that people all over the world share five basic needs: the physiological neeeds which is consider as our fundamental needs, the safety needs conclude physically safe and psychological safe, the belongingness needs for the reason that once we are alive and safe, we then try to satisfy our social needs, the esteem needs which are recognition, respect and reputation, the self-actualization needs which is the highest need of a person to actualize oneself, to reach one’s full potential, to become all that he or she might be.
Encoding and Decoding
The process of transforming ideas and feelings into symbols and organizing them is called encoding a message; the process of transforming message back into ideas and feeling is called decoding. The encoding and decoding process include nonverbal cues, which significantly affect the meaning created between the participants in a communication transaction.
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions offer another approach to understanding the range of cultural differences. It can be


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