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The structure design of lying disintegrator
Major: Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation
Undergraduate:Tang jianbing Tutor: Tian Daqing
Abstract: According to the shape and the physical function of the plastic provided by a plastic recycling factory, and perusing a lot of relevant information, combined with the actual situation, to design plastic recycling equipment, including disintegrator, screening machine and their ponents. In this paper, first introduced the development status and current of the disintegrate and screening equipment and their technology in modern, the kinds and technology parameter of disintegrator and screening machine. Then, analysis of the mechanical properties of plastics, and in accordance with their properties and requested by the disintegrate and screening , bring forward the structure and the function of as many as possible kinds of feasibility schemes of disintegrator, screening machine. Finally, And then, put these pare with each others, chose the best scheme to design. In the design of the disintegrator, the thesis carries on the detailed calculation of the ics and dynamics to the anization, and takes a strict calculation of gear-box and V-belt, confirms the concrete parameter of gear, motors, couplings, the belt and so on. And then,
Based on these parameters, a structure diagram of disintegrator is draw, at the same time, ponents such as feed inlet, bowl, etc. also carried out a detailed introduced. As the gear-box and coupling selected in the screening machine has same structure as i


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