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上传人:相惜 2020/12/31 文件大小:129 KB




This thesis has taken me almost half a year to turn it from conception to the final completion. A number of people have been wonderfully helpful in my doing research as well as completing the thesis. So I especially wish to acknowledge the following people.
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my supervisor Liu Yanfen for her long and lasting patient and constructive instructions on my thesis writing.
Secondly, my many thanks also go to my Translation Teacher Ms Qiao who let me have an interest in Translation.
Thirdly, I would like to thank all the teachers who teach me and give me help.
At last, my thanks go to my roommates who give me confidence to accomplishing this thesis.
Translation is a communicative activity. The Functionalist Approaches give a definition that translating is a purposeful activity. The main principles of Functionalist Approaches are Skopos Rule and Loyalty principle. This thesis discusses the literal translation and free translation adopted in English songs translation, and tries to find out whether these two translation methods conform to the Functionalist Approaches’ principles: loyalty principle and skopos rule, so that the translation of English songs can be better presented under the Functionalist Approaches.
Key words: Functionalist Approaches, translation of English songs, translation methods, Functionalist Approaches’ principles
关键词: 德国功能派, 英文歌曲翻译, 翻译方法,功能派原则
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 2
3 On the Translation of English Songs from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches ………. 4
Functionalist Approaches 4
The Development, Conception and Essence of the Functionalist Approaches 4
The Princip