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文档介绍:It ’ s written by Jing tells us a story happened in Aslan--a country in another world. There are four countries in this world,and people can use soul (魂术) to control elements (元素) -water,wind,fire , of the countries can control one people in Aslan are good at controlling water. There are the seven strongest people in each country — who called Cavalier( 王爵) . The seventh cavalier- Yinchen observe mand to find his apostle( 使徒)- the things which occur after finding Qiling go wrong. As if all things are accidental,but all are about a cospiracy( 阴谋) Because the fifth cavalier and apostle know a secret which they should n’ t know-- where Gilgamesh -the second cavalier want to kill them. They fight on a island approching his sister,his apostle- Lianquan could leave fifth cavalier- Fenghun give up his life to send his sister to be the new fifth cavalier. Though the new fifth cavalier, Yinchen know his cavalier-last generation first cavalier Gilgamesh( 吉尔伽美什) was put in to jail four years his apostles- Yinchen,Galanz,Donghe were Yinchen was brought back to life,Galanz was missing. To Yinchen, he is glad to


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