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文档介绍:The Front Vowels前元音
1Three tree are on TV,
The TV is number three.
2 Do you agree, if you are free,
To come to tea with me by the sea?
3 Billy’s kitty is sitting in the kitchen.
4 Will Bill sit still?
Yes. Bill will sit as still as a hill.
5Silly Billy.
Little Billy is so silly. So he’s silly billy.
6 The baby has a daddy,
Her daddy is called Cloudy,
Cloudy has a puppy,
The puppy is naughty.
7 A donkey like a monkey,
The monkey likes the donkey,
The donkey and the monkey are funny.
8 Today’s fresh bread is ready already.
9 Sandal,candle both is ready already.
10 How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans.
A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans.
11 A can and a fan are in the sand.
12 Five red cats are flying ten yellow kites.
13 Chatter, chatter,
What a catter!
Clap your hands,
it does not matter. 
14 What she said made me sad.
15 A fat cat has a black hat.
The black hat is for the fat rat.
Out goes the rat,
Out goes the cat,
Out goes the lady,
With the big green hat.
The Back Vowels后元音
1 Who flew to the moon in June?
2 The clock tells the cock,
‘cock, cock! It’s time to get up’
The cock answers the clock,
‘clock, clock!it’s dark’
3 a cock is in a sock.
The sock is for the crock.
The cr


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