文档介绍:Made by Owen
Trojan War
Why this war happened
Time: in 3200 years ago
After decades of warfare Agamemnon(阿伽门农王),King of Mycenae(迈锡尼), has forced the Kindoms of Greece into a loose alliance.
Agamemnon’s brother Menelaus(米奈劳斯), the King of Sparta(斯巴达), is boring with war. He seek to make peace with Tory. The most powerful rival to the emerging Greek Nation.
So Menelaus(米奈劳斯) invite two Princes of Tory coming to his party. The King want to improve the relationship between Spairta and Tory.
Hector and Paris 赫克托 帕里斯
A women
A  stunner
the daughter of Zeus and Leda (or Nemesis)
wife of Menelaus 
Her abduction (诱拐)by Paris brought about the Trojan War.
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Use a tricky stategy –
Make the sheep invite the wolves to dinner
The Resu