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文档介绍:director 脚本 Librarirs 库 cast 演员 stage 舞台 pause 函数 Script- 脚本 Score 分镜面板 Insert Keyframe 插入关键帧 appminimize 最小化 tempo channel 速率通道 palette 调色板 transition 过度 ActiveWindow 当一个窗口开始运行时触发 closewindow 关闭一个窗口时触发 deaactivatewindow 当一个窗口停止时触发 enterframe 进如一帧()时触发 exitframe 离开一帧()时触发 idle 影片在停止状态时触发 movewindow 当移动窗口时触发 openwindow 打开一个新窗口时触发 startmovie 影片开始时触发 stopmovie 停止影片是触发、左键前进右键后退 on exitFrame me go to the frame end on mouseup me go the frame+1 end on rightmouseup me go previous end global_color,_text on startmovie _text="the color is:" _color=rgb(0,0,0) member("textbar").alignment=#center member("textbar")text=_text end 通道互换行为 on mouseup me if the visible of sprite 6=true then set the visible of sprite 6 to false else set the visible of sprite 6 to true end if end 拖动跟随 property ptuodong on beginSprite me ptuodong = FALSE end on mouseDown me ptuodong = TRUE end on mouseUp me ptuodong = FALSE end on mouseUpOutside me ptuodong = FALSE end on exitFrame me if ptuodong then moveAmount = the mouseLoc - sprite().loc sprite().loc = sprite().loc + moveAmount sendSprite(sprite 2,#move,moveAmount) end if end 字幕向上滚动 on getbehaviortooltip t=" 实现域行文本的自动上翻效果" t=t&return&" 用于滚动文本精灵" return t end on getBehaviorDescription return " 用于实现文本上翻效果: "&return&" 其用法是, 将此行为拖到精灵上面,然后选择一个域文本精灵,\ "&return&" 功能: 文本循环自动滚动, 鼠标移动到精灵上面是停止滚动,移开后自动\ 滚动。可以设定每个帧循环移动的象素! "&return&" 未来风" end getBehaviorDescriptionionList property pspeed property pSprite property ID on getPropertyDescriptionList vPDList = [:] setaProp vPDList, #pSprite, [#comment: " 确定所要应用的角色名: ",\ #format: #integer, #default:the currentspritenum] setaProp vPDList, #pspeed, [#comment: " 设定每个帧循环移动的象素: ", #format: #integer, #range:[#max:20,#min:1],#default:1] return vPDList end getPropertyDescriptionList on beginsprite me sprite(pSprite).=-sprite(pSprite). geheight sprite(pSprite).=#fixed ID=1 end on mouseEnter me ID=0 end on mouseleave me ID=1 end on exitframe me if ID=1 the