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文档介绍:摘 要
伴随现代通信技术迅猛发展, 其应用领域已渗透到社会生活各个方面, 对通信系统数据传输可靠性和有效性要求也随之增强。 在传输数字信号时, 因为信道时变性、 衰减性、 带宽资源有限性和干扰大等特点, 再有加性噪声影响, 势必会造成接收端接收到信号存在一定误差。 为提升无线信道传输数据质量, 应该将误比特率降到最低。 信道编码技术正是降低误比特率、 提升通信质量关键技术手段之一。
本文首先系统介绍信道编码研究背景及意义、 发展史、 应用并对matlab进行概述。 接着选择编码技术中最常见种类: 线性分组码、 循环码、 卷积码。 即分别对线性分组码、 循环码和卷积码编码和译码原理进行叙述, 并基于matlab平台进行仿真。 最终, 经过对仿真结果进行分析, 证实经过信道编码后, 能有效降低信道传输误码率, 使通信不管在什么环境下均能高效、 可靠传输数据, 提升了整个通信系统质量。
关键词: 通信系统; 编码技术; 线性分组码; 循环码; 卷积码
With the rapid development of modern communication technology, its applications have infiltrated into all aspects of social life, reliability and validity of the data communication system also increases. In practice, the wireless channel is very complex. When transmitting digital signals, due to the time-varying channel attenuation, bandwidth and interference limited resources and other characteristics, and then have an impact additive noise, will inevitably lead to the presence of the signal receiver receives a certain error. To improve the quality of the wireless channel, the bit error rate should be reduced to a minimum. One channel coding technology is to reduce the bit error rate and improve the quality of the main technical means of communication.
Firstly, referral channel coding system research background and significance, history, and Matlab application overview. Then select the most commonly used coding technology types: linear block codes, cyclic codes, convolution codes. Introduces the basic principles of linear block codes, cyclic codes and convolution codes, and simulation based on MATLAB, the simulation results are analyzed, explained after channel coding, enabling communication no matter what the environment can be efficient and reliable transport data to improve the quality of the communication system.
Keywords: communication systems; coding techniques; linear block code; cyclic code; convolution code
目 录
1 绪论 1
研究背景及意义 1
信道编码技术发展史 2


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