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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《酒店经理的英语简历范文模板》的内容,具体内容:求职英语简历是酒店经理外企求职者向用人单位介绍、推荐自我的名片,以下是我精心推荐的一些,一起来学****下吧!Respect leadership:How do yo...

Respect leadership:
How do you do! Please will bother. I\m a just from hubei economy academy graduate students. I am very honored to have the opportunity to present you my personal information. In all the society, in order to find the accord with their professional and interested in work, to achieve their life value, and to all the leaders as a self recommendation.
We will own the brief introduction is as follows:
I am a learning hotel management professional college students, I love my professional and for its input the enormous enthusiasm and energy. In the four years of college life, I learn from the content includes theoretical knowledge to the professional skills of learning knowledge. . Through to these knowledge learning, I have this field of knowledge has a certain degree of understanding and master, and has a certain practical operation ability and technology
In the school study, both the basic theory knowledge, or practical operation skills, I took the excellent results. In the school besides study, I also take an active part in social practice activities. Once in 2006 to participate in the school of "a program under which officials" social practice acti


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