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文档介绍:Thanksgiving Day is a unique American festival, which started in 1621, and in1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November as a national holiday of Thanksgiving. Finally in 1941, congress declared that the holiday would be celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in November.
Thanksgiving should be traced back to the history of the United States.
The origin of thanksgiving to the United States of America history has been traced(追溯) back to the beginning. In 1620, the famous “ May flower”(五月花号) ship loaded with unbearable (难以承受的)the Britain domestic (国内的)religious (宗教)persecution(迫害) Puritan(清教徒) arrived in America 102. 1620 and 1621 at the turn of the winter, they met unimaginable difficulties, in suffer hunger and cold(饥寒交迫), winter, immigrants (移民)survived the only 50 people. Based on the“ guest”(来者是客) beliefs and customs, the Indians gave these immigrants brought the necessaries of life, and teach them to hunt, fish and corn, pumpkin(南瓜)and so on survival method. With the help of the American Indians, from European immigrants became accustomed to the local way of life. To celebrate the harvest date(在欢庆丰收的日子), European immigrants invited the Indians to thank God for giving.
Typical Food on Thanksgiving
Sweet Potatoes
Pumpkin Pies
pumpkin pie!
My pleasure!
In addition, people at the table can also eat apples, orange, chestnut(栗子), walnuts(胡桃) , and grape, as well as meat pie, small cranberry sauceand(烩蔓越橘) so on.
During the dinners, the family members may also utter a few lines of thanks or chant a special prayer.