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上传人:xiarencrh 2021/1/12 文件大小:591 KB




传统的温度计多采用物理原理,根据水银等随温度升降的热胀冷缩的性质,通过读取刻度值来判断温度值,这种方法不太方便,且测量需要的时间较长。本项目提供一种新的温度测量方案,采用具有SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface 串行外围接口)接口的TN系列红外温度传感器来测量温度信号,可同时测量目标温度和环境温度,并将测量的数据送给SPCE061A单片机处理,之后送数码管显示,同时利用SPCE061A单片机的语音功能播报温度值。红外测温打破了传统的测温模式,它响应快、测量精度高、可靠性高、范围广,为非接触测量,因而不易损坏。该温度计以其准确快捷的测量功能、清晰易懂的数字化显示方便人们日常生活使用,语音播报功能使其更加智能化、人性化。
A Design of Intelligent Infrared Thermometer
Most of the traditional thermometers adopts mercury column which has the physical principle that it expands with heat and contracts with cold along with the change of temperature, and we can read the temperature out according to the infinity. This method is not convenient, and it takes a long time to measure. This paper proposes a new thermometer project to measure the temperature signal by using the TN series infrared temperature sensor which has the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). The sensor can measure both the target temperature and environment temperature at the same time, meanwhile the temperature data which have been measured can be transferred to the SPCE061A microcontroller to process. Then, the data will be transferred to data display, and will be reported by using the SPCE061A’s voice report function in the meanwhile. Infrared thermometer breaks through traditional temperature measurement pattern. It responses quickly, and has high accuracy and high reliability and measures in large area. It is also a way of non-contact measurement, so it isn’t easy to break. This thermometer can measure accurately and quickly, and has the clear and easy display. All these offer convenient condition to our daily life. Furthermore, the voice report function makes it more intelligent and human.
Key words: infrared thermometry; SPCE061A microcontroller; voice report
目 录
1 前言 1
选题的目的和意义 1
红外测温技术的发展和国内外研究概况 1
设计任务和要求 3
设计任务 3
设计要求 3
2 概述 4
红外测温概况 4
红外测温的基础理论 4
红外测温的特点 7
智能化测量仪表概述 7


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