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文档介绍:Do you agree or disagree People will spend less time in cooking or preparing food in twenty years. In recent years, the modern world has seen evidence that the time people spent on cooking is likely to have undergone a decline. Some experts even surmise that people will spend less time on cooking or preparing food in twenty years. From my point of view, this estimate is reasonable. First, the advancing technology is making cooking less time-consuming. It has been demonstrated that inventions such as micro-ovens and electrical rice cooker s have emancipated human beings from a lotof tedious work involving starting a fire and constantly supervising it. What is even more amazing is that the technology knows no bounds.; an array of innovations keep springing up in pursuit ofa even more convenient cooking experience. As a case in point, a few weeks ago I was appealed to a new machine called 'automatic egg boiler' introduced in the local newspaper, which could fulfil the task of making beautiful sun eggs automatically. The invention was expected tobeput mercial use soon and will thus provide people with delicious eggs in the mornings, saving people many chore s. It is the advancing technology that has lessen ed the time needed for preparing food. Moreover, commercialization has even made possible freedom from cooking. Truly, food is indispensable to every human being, but with the modity system, cooking could be virtually dispensable. In fact, it has been mon scene that people simply drop in chain stores like seven-eleven and buy various kinds of ready-to-eat food to content their stomach. The mass production and distribution are spawning new food industr ies . Consequently, on many occasions, people in the future perhaps don't have to spend time in cooking any more. Admittedly, cooking used tobe and maybe still isno negligible part of human life and some may hold cooking is, to some extent, an enjoyable experience. However, technology and mercialization are ing progressi


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