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文档介绍:I 河南理工大学万方科技学院本科生毕业论文浅谈提高混凝土耐久性的措施摘要提高混凝土的耐久性对于高层、大跨建筑、房屋建筑及桥梁、隧道有着重要的意义。随着工程建设量的增多,特别是某些混凝土工程在短期内遭受严重破坏的惨痛教训,混凝土耐久性越来越引起各主管部门和设计、施工部门对它的重视。混凝土的耐久性是指结构在设计使用年限内,正常维护条件下,在实际使用条件中能够保证其安全和使用, 而不要花费大量资金加固处理就能抵抗各种破坏因素的作用。主要表现在抗渗性、抗冻性、耐水性、抗化学腐蚀性等性能。我国现有公路上,数以万计的旧桥,特别是 20世纪80 年代以前修建的桥梁,由于设计荷载偏低,承载能力不足,宽度不够,加之年久失修、维修养护不够,相当多的桥梁发生不同程度的破损,正逐步成为危桥。混凝土耐久性愈来愈成为重要问题,也是影响可持续发展的一个重要方面。关键词: 混凝土; 耐久性;提高耐久性措施 II Abstract To improve the durability of concrete for high-rise buildings, large span buildings, buildings and bridges, tunnel has important significance. With the increasing volume of engineering construction, especially the painful lessons of some concrete engineering suffered serious damage in the short term, more and more concrete caused by various departments and design, construction department pay more attention to it. The durability of concrete refers to the structure used in the design period, normal maintenance conditions, to ensure their safety and use in the actual use conditions, and don't spend a lotof money will be able to resist all kinds of damage factors of the treatment effect of reinforcement. Mainly in the impermeability, frost resistance, water resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and other properties. Our existing old bridge road, tens of thousands, especially before the bridge built in the twentieth Century 80, due to lower design loads, low bearing capacity, and the width is not enough, disrepair, repair and maintenance is not enough, many bridges damaged in different degree, is ing a dangerous bridge. More and more of the durability of concrete has e an important problem, which is also an important aspect of sustainable development. Key Words: Concrete; durability; durability improvement measures III 目录 1 引言...................................................................... 1 2 混凝土耐久性的基本概述.................................. .... ........ ......2 混凝土耐久性的定义....................................................2 混凝土耐久性的应用.........................