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上传人:相惜 2021/1/15 文件大小:50 KB




文档介绍:Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition? Why or why not?
Xiao: Hey, buddy. Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition?
Chen: ambition? Oh ,yeah, I think so. Ambition can make you succeed and make your life direction, it can give you power to pursue good life. As we all know, ambition is the basis and the source of success, which signs how a person will go. How do you think?
Xiao: I very much agree with you. Ambition is a person’s hope, it makes our life meaningful. people have ambition is good, but it’s important to maintain a healthy balance. Ambition does not mean to become the best, as long as it can motivate us to achieve the purpose.
Chen: The content of ambition is not important, it is important that the ambition makes you better.
Xiao: Therefore, we should not think our ambition has little significance because of our own ambition is small; we must stick to it, and strive to achieve it.
Chen: You say very great, very pleased to have the opportunity to explore this topic with you, thank you.
Xiao: I am also very pleased.
Who plays a crucial role in your life? In what way? please well-organize your ideas and support them with examples.
Xiao: Hey, buddy. I want to ask you a question. Who plays a crucial role in your life?
Chen: I have met many different and interesting people who have played important roles in helping me shape my personality and who have even caused significant changes in my life. But to me, my father is the most important person in my life. How about you?
Xiao: In my opinion, my math teacher plays the most important role in my life. She was my middle school teacher, and she taught me a lot of things without book. What kind of person is your father?
Chen: In my memory, my father is kind but strict. If I did something wrong, he would point it out directly and ask me to make sure never do it again. My father is a man of few words; he often doesn’t say any word with me in my life. But when I meet tro