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文档介绍:Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking ? Stephen Hawking is an internationally renowned mathematician, theoretical physicist, Cambridge University Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics tenure. Who was born in 1942, a distinguished scholar of contemporary reputation, known as the greatest living scientist. ?斯蒂芬·霍金 (Stephen Hawking) 是国际著名数学家、理论物理学家,英国剑桥大学应用数学和理论物理系终身教授。这位生于1942年的当代享有盛誉的杰出学者, 被称为在世的最伟大的科学家之一。 the age of 12 at home in the garden in 1962 graduated from the University of Oxford. ?Hawking has graduated from Oxford University and Trinity College, Cambridge, and received his . at Cambridge University. ?霍金先后毕业于牛津大学和剑桥大学三一学院,并获剑桥大学哲学博士学位。 1. 2. 1965 Wilder married Jane Hawking 1965 年霍金与简·怀尔德结婚? Later in college, began suffering from "spinal muscular atrophy lateral sclerosis", hemiplegia. He overcame the difficulties with disabilities, in 1965 entered Gonville and Caius College at Cambridge University research fellow. During this period, he was on the origin of the universe, the creation of the beginning of the universe is "a point of infinite density" of the famous theory. Gonville and Caius, 1969 any outstanding achievements in academic science researcher. ?在大学学****后期,患“肌肉萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症”,半身不遂。他克服身患残疾的种种困难,于1965年进入剑桥大学冈维尔和凯厄斯学院任研究员。这个时期,他在研究宇宙起源问题上,创立了宇宙之始是“无限密度的一点”的著名理论。 Hawking in 1985, the loss of language skills, the only tool to express ideas is puter voice synthesizer. He can only control the activities of several fingers of a special mouse to select letters on puter screen, words to sentences, and then play the sound through puter, usually 5-6 minutes to create a sentence, to a one-hour recording speech synthesis to prepare 10 days .1985年霍金丧失语言能力, 表达思想唯一的工具是一台电脑声音合成器。他用仅能活动的几个手指操纵一个特制的鼠标器在电脑屏幕上选择字母、单词来造句,然后通过电脑播放声音,通常制造一个句子要5、6分钟, 为了合成一个小时的录音演讲要准备10天。? April 26, 2007, Stephen Hawking (in) the aircraft over the Atlantic to experience weightless flight. Day, space tourism projects in the business of the


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