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上传人:mkjafow 2021/1/17 文件大小:821 KB




摘 要
本文首先简要介绍了直流小电机的实行方案最终选择方案一作为实施方案;然后介绍了PWM相关的原理脉冲宽度调制(PWM)是英文“Pulse Width Modulation”的缩写,简称脉宽调制。它是利用微处理器的数字输出来对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术,广泛应用于测量,通信,功率控制与变换等许多领域。
脉冲宽度调制(PWM)是一种对模拟信号电平进行数字编码的方法。通过高分辨率计数器的使用,方波的占空比被调制用来对一个具体模拟信号的电平进行编码。之后详细设计了基于MCS-51 单片机的直流小电机PWM调速的系统硬件电路以及各电路硬件说明目前单片机渗透到我们生活的各个领域,几乎很难找到哪个领域没有单片机的踪迹。导弹的导航装置,飞机上各种仪表的控制,计算机的网络通讯与数据传输,工业自动化过程的实时控制和数据处理,广泛使用的各种智能IC卡,民用豪华轿车的安全保障系统,录象机、摄象机、全自动洗衣机的控制,以及程控玩具、电子宠物等等,这些都离不开单片机。更不用说自动控制领域的机器人、智能仪表、医疗器械了。因此,单片机的学****开发与应用将造就一批计算机应用与智能化控制的科学家、工程师。单片机广泛应用于仪器仪表、家用电器、医用设备、航空航天、专用设备的智能化管理及过程控制等领域,;最后是实现直流小电机PWM直流调速系统软件设计,附录有相关的系统源程序。
关键词 PWM,单片机,直流电机
This article first briefly introduced as soon as directs current the small electrical machinery to implement the plan the selection scheme to take the implementation plan finally; Then introduced the PWM related principle The pulse width modulation (PWM) is English “Pulse Width Modulation” abbreviation, abbreviation pulse-duration modulation. It is loses using microprocessor's digit carries on the control to the analogous circuit one kind of very effective technology, widely applies in the survey, the correspondence, the power control and the transformation and so on many domains.
the pulse width modulation (PWM) is one kind carries on the digital coding to the simulated signal level the method. Through the high resolution counter's use, the square-wave dutyfactor is modulated uses for to carry on to a concrete simulated signal level the code.; Afterward detailed design based on MCS-51 monolithic integrated circuit's direct-current small electrical machinery PWM velocity modulation system hardware electric circuit as well as various electric circuits hardware explanation; Finally is realizes directs current the small electrical machinery PWM cocurrent velocity modulation system software design, the appendix has the related
system source program.
key word: PWM monolithic integrated circuit direct current machine
目 录


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