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上传人:glfsnxh 2021/1/17 文件大小:366 KB




摘 要
,后台采用SQL 2000,语言使用C#。实现的系统功能是对用户消费和追加的积分进行更新,并对积分变化进行记录。程序模块读取临时积分表,通过返回临时积分表的数据对积分表,用户状态表,积分奖励记录表进行更新,并对积分累积记录表进行更新,系统着重于对更新失败和程序异常时进行处理。
The Shop’s Integral Update Record Management
Data management is always the most important link of the computer’s application, since the invention of the computer, and the database management system is a very important in this link. After the .NET was launched, for its common language structure and standard, programmers of all languages carry on the procedure high effectively under the .NET platform. The structure of give a flexible and suitable manage to the access control of database management system, this reduce the chance of operating lower layer code, and make programmer pay more attention to logical code development. Therefore it is wise to choice the .NET platform to development management information.
.NET is used as onstage,SQL 2000 is used as backstage and C# is used as developing language in the Integral to update records management. The function of system is to update the integral of consuming and producing, and carries on the record of the integral changing information. When the program module read the temporary integral table, it updated the integral table, the user condition table, the integral reward data sheet through returns the data of temporary integral table. This system pay more attention to dealing with update failure and procedure exceptionally when carried on processing.
Key words: Computer Applications; Database management system; Integral Update Record; .NET platform; ; C#; SQL2000

目 录
1 引 言 2
2 模块需求分析 2
模块功能需求 2
客户对模块性能要求 2


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