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电子商务系统购物车 学士论文.doc

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电子商务系统购物车 学士论文.doc

上传人:bb21547 2021/1/18 文件大小:1.81 MB


电子商务系统购物车 学士论文.doc



关键词 JSP;Struts;Hibernate;MVC
Online Shopping
Author: LiangJianjun Tutor: BaiShangwang
Nowadays the network technology has a gradual maturity, online shopping is quietly emerging and is being quickly accepted by a lot of people. Online shopping system came into being during this period. It provides service for the customers through a web server. For the vendors, the entities shops rent, utilities, wages will save a lot of money, so the products have a lower price, and make it more competitive. For the customers, online shopping can reduce search costs on selecting product and comparing price of products.
To be done by the system one is that the products are published on the Internet by vendors, other is that customers buy goods to complete the transaction through the network. So the system is divided into two modules. One is the foreground and other is the background .The foreground is user module, the background is the administrator modules. System firstly lists products information to customers by administrator. Secondly when customers log in to the system, the system distributes a shopping cart for each customer and goods will be put into the shopping cart after customer selecting products. Thirdly, the customers click to generate order when they checked cart’s information. Finally, the administrator to deal with goods according to order.
System is designed according to the MVC mode. JSP technology used for the view layer, Struts tec


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