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毕 业 设 计(论 文)
系 别:机械工程系
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The petroleum, the petroleum product sells, the purchase, incommercial connecting with, the accurate measurement is extremelyimportant, the measurement is accurate may avoid between businessdisputing, and makes the loss to maintain in the control scope. Sameoil field, pipeline, refinery to oil gas water and so on each kind ofmedium, also must carry on the industrial control and the managementarchery target current capacity measurement, other realms ofproduction also can have the fluid the current capacity test.
In fluid flowing, has some certain area the section, is called thefluid this section volume and the time ratio of the current the fluid stream volume and the time recently expressed whencurrent capacity, is called the rate of volume flow (or volumetricflow). With turns fights the survey liquid volume the method, in theoil field is not strange, the volume type flowmeter, is the basissimilar principle survey after the pipeline current capacity volumequantity flowmeter. This kind of flowmeter, because again in theprinciple all has causes the fluid to fill has the certain volume"fights" the space, then, divides the fluid to deliver like this flowsthe exportation to discharge, therefore is called the volume typeflowmeter, also argues the displacement flowmeter.
The volume type flowmeter may say is from pumps or the compressorprinciple in many aspects develops, the bulkmeter has filled on thevehicle, the fuel depot and the small conduit to 1930 in the oilcarries on the petroleum liquid precisely to measure. In 1950 and in1966, in the world some big run the oils and on the big oil tankersappeared, the bulkmeter has developed each hour to be able to measure1,600 cubic meters current capacities, generally thought the bulkmeterwas as a result of the petroleum survey aspect most accurate one kindof flowmeter.


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