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文档介绍:桂林理工大学本科毕业设计· 论文 1 桂林理工大学 GUILIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 本科毕业设计( 论文) 题目: 数据通信中的 RSA 加密算法的设计与实现桂林理工大学本科毕业设计· 论文 II 摘要数据通信是依照一定的通信协议,利用数据传输技术在两个终端之间传递数据信息的一种通信方式和通信业务。随着数据通信的迅速发展而带来了数据失密问题。信息被非法截取和数据库资料被窃的事例经常发生,在日常生活中信用卡密码被盗是常见的例子。所以数据加密成为十分重要的问题,它能保证数据的安全性和不可篡改性。 RSA 加密算法以它难以破译的优点,被广泛的使用在电子商务和 VPN 中。本文针对非对称性加密 RSA 算法,采用软件 Visual C++ 进行程序编写。根据模乘法运算和模指数运算的数学原理所编写的程序在进行测试后,能够通过输入两个素数进行运算从而实现明文与密文之间的转换,然后通过对公钥和私钥的管理,对所传输的数据进行保护,让数据只能由发送者和接收者阅读,以达到数据通信中数据无法被他人破译的目的。关键词:RSA 算法,数据通信,加密,解密。 munication of the RSA encryption algorithm in the Design 桂林理工大学本科毕业设计· 论文 III and Implementation T eacher:Chen Fei student:Lu Hui Abstract munications ordance with munication protocols, the use ofdata transmission technology inthe transmission ofdata between two terminals asameans munication ofinformation munication business. With the rapid development munications and has brought the issue promise. Unlawful interception ofinformation and database information onfrequent instances oftheft, credit card intheir daily lives stolen passwords mon example. Therefore, data encryption has e avery important issue, itcan ensure data security and can not betamper with nature. RSA encryption algorithm tothe merits ofitdifficult todecipher, was widely used inthe merce and VPN. Inthis paper, asymmetric RSA encryption algorithm, the use ofsoftware for Visual C++ programming. According toDie multiplication and modular exponentiation bythe mathematical principles inthe preparation oftest procedures can beadopted for the importation oftwo prime numbers puting inorder toachieve explicit conversion between the ciphertext, and then through apublic key and private key management, for the transmission ofdata protection, sothat data can only bemade bythe sender and the recipient toread, inorder toachieve munications data can not be the purpose ofdeciphering the others. Keywords: RSA algorithms, munication, encryption, decryption. 目录桂林理工大学本科毕业设计· 论文 IV 摘要.....................................................


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