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文档介绍:奇妙的朋友,还是莫名其妙的朋友? Show caught in crosshairs Wonderful Friends, a 3-month-long reality show on Hunan TV, came to an end on March 28th. But the debate it aroused is far from dying out. 湖南卫视真人秀节目《奇妙的朋友》历时三个月,已于上月 28 日完结。但是, 因之而起的争论却从未停歇。 The weekly show features interactions between animals and six celebrities working as zookeepers in Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. The show isa programming ess for Hunan TV. 这档周播的真人秀节目聚焦动物与人类的交流,邀请了六位明星担当广州长隆野生动物园的(实****饲养员。节目由湖南卫视制作,可谓大获成功。“ People are more interested in TV shows with celebrities than in documentaries, ” animal protection expert Deng Xuejian ease News. “ The program isa good way to get people closer to animals. ”动物保护专家邓学建在接受网易新闻采访时表示,“较之纪录片,人们更喜欢看有名人参与的电视真人秀。这档节目有助于人与动物建立更加亲密的关系。” However, animal welfare advocates say that is exactly what should be avoided. 但是,动物保护主义者们却认为,这恰恰是应当避免之处。“ It is hugely misleading to the public about the needs and welfare of captive animals, ” Dave Neale of Animals Asia, an advocacy group based in Hong Kong, said ina statement. 戴夫?尼尔来自总部位于香港的亚洲动物基金,他在一则声明中表示: “这档节目严重误导大众,让他们对圈养动物的需求与救助产生误解。” In one scene, celebrities took two baby chimps out peted to buy the best clothes for them. One of the two chimps suddenly became restless and bit Myolie Wu, one of the star zookeepers. 节目中,明星们曾带着两只猩猩幼崽去(游客区)买衣裳,比赛谁买得衣服更好。其中一只黑猩猩突然变得焦躁不安,并咬伤了明星饲养员胡杏儿。 In another scene a baby chimp was placed near its father to demo