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上传人:w8888u 2021/1/24 文件大小:32 KB






  摘 要: 在新的信息化和互联技术建设阶段,高校有必要对校园卡运行模式和应用方式加以进一步探索,虚拟校园卡支付是在实体卡支付之外,创建一套独立的虚拟卡支付体系,实现线上、线下场景全覆盖,为高校师生提供丰富的随时随地支付服务。文中针对虚拟校园卡条件下支付系统的新特征,提出以库为主、聚合支付和微服务结合的支付系统设计方案。首先对微服务虚拟校园卡支付系统的特征进行分析,解构支付系统形成以支付技术中台+支付业务中台能力,实现多支付渠道对多支付业务扩展能力,实现业务的丰富和个性化延展能力;然后提出总体设计框架,并对支付渠道、支付路由及平台功能进行了设计;最后介绍系统的部署及功能实现。实践表明,校园支付与社会支付高度融合,是“互联网+”校园应用的又一实践,将对校园信息化建设起到积极的推动作用。
  关键词: 虚拟校园卡; 支付系统; 系统设计; 微服务架构; 特征分析; 系统部署
  中图分类号: TN915?34; TP399 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)18?0001?05
  Abstract: In the new stage of informatization and Internet technology construction, it is necessary for colleges and universities to further explore the operation mode and application mode of their campus cards. The virtual campus card payment is to create a set of independent virtual card payment system in addition to entity card payment, which can realize the full coverage of online and offline scenes, and provide rich payment services for college teachers and students anytime and anywhere. In allusion to the new features of the payment system of virtual campus card, a design scheme of payment system is proposed, which is mainly based on the database, and combines with aggregate payment and micro service. The features of micro?service virtual campus card payment system are analyzed, and the payment system is deconstructed to form the function of the payment technology middle platform + payment business middle platform, so as to realize the expansion ability of multi?payment channel to multi?payment business, and the ability of business enrichment and individuation extension. The overall design framework is proposed, and the payment channel, payment route and platform function are designed. The deployment and function realization of the system are introduced. The actual application results show that