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文档介绍:邵阳学院毕业论文设计邵阳学院毕业论文设计 I 中文摘要随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的人涌入城市,导致城市生活节奏加快,各种各样的生活压力也不断显现出来。近几年越来越多的城市居民渴望回归自然,向往恬淡宁静的乡村生活。自上世纪九十年代,以吃农家饭,住农家屋,干农家活,享农家乐为主要形式的“农家乐”旅游应运而生。并以其开发成本低,需求量大,见效快的特点迅速在全国各地发展开来,呈现出欣欣向荣的发展态势,成为国内旅游业的热点。本文将在前人研究和实践基础上,旨在探讨农家乐旅游相关概念,从其发展现状及意义入手,分析、借鉴国内外农家乐旅游经验,阐述衢州农家乐旅游的发展现状和特点, 并对其进行 SWOT 分析,进而有针对性提出可持续发展的的对策。全文分为六个部分,第一部分是绪论,主要介绍选题目的及意义,国内外的研究综述,研究的方法,研究的内容。第二部分为农家乐旅游的相关概述,包括农家乐旅游的概念及辨析农家乐旅游分类和特点以及发展农家乐旅游的意义。第三部分农家乐旅游的发展现状概况,包括国内外的发展概况。第四部分是衢州市农家乐旅游的发展现状概述, 包括发展现状、特点以及发展的成效。第五部分对衢州市农家乐旅游进行 SWOT 分析。第六部分为针对衢州市农家乐发展现状提出的可持续发展思路和对策。关键词: 衢州、“农家乐”旅游、 SWOT 分析邵阳学院毕业论文设计 II Abstract With the city to speed up the process, more and more e into the city,leading to the city to speed up the pace of life, various kinds of life pressure show. In recent years, more and more city residents eager to return to nature, life is quiet of the country. Since the last century y's, to eat farmers rice,live farm house , dry farmers live, enjoy the music farm as the main form of "Nongjiale" tourism emerge as the times require. With the development of low cost, high demand, from the development characteristics of quick rapidly across the country, showing a thriving trend, ing the hotspot of tourism. This article will study in the predecessor and the basis of practice, aims to explore the concepts of the Nongjiale tourism , the paper starts from development status and significance, analysis, from the tourism experience at home and abroad ,expounds the development status and characteristics of Quzhou farm tourism, and carries on the SWOT analysis, and then puts forward the Countermeasures of sustainable development. The full text is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction, mainlyintroduces the purpose and significance, domestic and foreign research review,research methods, research content and innovation of this paper. The second part is the summary of the related farm tourism, including the concept of farm tourism and farm tourism classification and characteristics and