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上传人:读书百遍 2021/2/4 文件大小:16 KB





  Dear Mrs Mark。
  I am giving Miss Fang Li, a classmate of mine, this note of introduction to you and Mr. Mark, when she goes to visit New York City. Miss Li is my good friend. She is invited by a university to study there for a few months. She is a kind young lady. I believe you will enjoy meeting and knowing each other and become friends. It is my hope that you will kindly invite her to stay in your house for a few days.
  Kind regards
  Very affectionately,
  Dear Tony,
  This letter will introduce my best friend Mary Brown of whom you’ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D. C. next month to lecture. I want very much to have her meet you there.
  And this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other. I think both of you will have a lot in common. So far as I know, you both are interested in modern literature. Once you meet her, you will really enjoy her company. Any kindness to her will be duly appreciated by me.
  Yours affectionately,
  Dear Tony,
  This letter will introduce my best friend Mary Brown of whom you’ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D. C. next month to lecture. I want very much to have her meet you there.
  And this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other. I think both of you will have a lot in