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文档介绍:Module 6 Unit 1 1. If you realize how important the water is,I think you won ’t w________________ it. 2. It’s w_________________ to throw away paper and metal. 3. The machine is made ofm __ _______ _and glass. 4. Coal and oil gives use ________ for heating, lighting and so on 5. Environmental p___________________ is an important problem in the city. 6. Old newspaper can be r_____________________. We shouldn ’t throw them away. 7. He seemed h_____ ___ when he knew his life was in danger. 1. 昨天我收到我朋友的一封电子邮件。 I ____________________________ my friend yesterday. 2 (1) . My mother ___________go to bed ________I get home. A. will …..until B. won ’t…..after C. won ’t…..until 2(2) . The factory ___________since 1955. It’s very old. A. was set up B. has been set up C. has set up 2(3) . 昨天他一到北京就打电话给我。 He called me _____________________he arrived in Beijing yesterday. 3. 我 们必须认真对待环境问题。 We must ______________________________the environment. 4 .实际上中国有几千间绿色学校。______________, there are ____________________green schools in China. 5. Are there ____________factories in our city? Yes, there are. A. thousand of B. two thousands C. thousands of 6 (1) . It’s important for us _________English well because it’s widely used in the world. A. learn B. to learn C. learning 6 (2) . 对 我来说看足球赛更加激动。______________________________________ the football match. 7 . 在街上不应乱扔垃圾。 The rubbish It is not r