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文档介绍:初三英语 Module12 Unit 2 知识卷/ 随堂练 CD 层专练一. 笔记理解 。 I enjoy ________________________American culture. 2. 你能同时听和写英语吗? Can you listen to and write English ____________________________? 4. 这个学期初他开始努力学****He started to study hard _____________________________this term. 7. 我们每周有一次周测. We provide ________________________every week. 8. 恭喜他在英语方面取得了进步。 Congratulations to him on ________________________ English .9. 他除了喜欢篮球还喜欢足球. He likes basketball ________________________football. 10. 你想入团吗?想. Would you like to _________________the League? Yes, I’d love to. 12. 他与我建立了长久的友谊。 He has __________________________me which last a long time 14. 这个故事发生在 1992 年冬天一个严寒的早上。 The story _________ _____________ ___on a cold winter morning in1992. 16. 中国有很多出名的旅游胜地. There are many famous __________________________in China. 18. 这本书花了我 36元. The book __________ ____ me 36 yuan.= I_________ _ ___36yuan ______ _ ____the book.. 层快乐阅读大闯关. Mr. and Mrs. Scott want tobuy some new chairs for their new house. e into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor. They like the colour and want toknow how much they are. They see a price tag ( 标签)onone chair. It says ( 上面写着)“¥100 ”. They like the chair but they are too dear (贵) for them. The Scotts don ’t think they can buy them now. They leave this shop and go to other shops. Mr. Scott thinks they can find some cheap chairs. ()1. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have _____