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Whitley Workstations Whitley Jar Gassing System:惠特利工作站惠特利罐放气系统.pdf

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Whitley Workstations Whitley Jar Gassing System:惠特利工作站惠特利罐放气系统.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/12 文件大小:0 KB


Whitley Workstations Whitley Jar Gassing System:惠特利工作站惠特利罐放气系统.pdf



文档介绍:The Whitley Jar Gassing System dramatically reduces costs pared with using gas generating envelopes Perfect for the culture of small numbers of anaerobes and microaerophiles Eliminates the need for gas packs Produces perfect conditions for anaerobes or microaerophiles in seconds Full colour touch screen display Optional printer Automatic detection of jar leakage Traceability W hitley Jar Gassing System is the most convenient, rapid and cost- effective way to achieve either anaerobic or microaerobic conditions within a gas jar – under two minutes to create an anaerobic environment and just 15 seconds to achieve microaerophilic conditions . * pares to between 30 - 180 minutes to achieve suitable conditions using gas generation sachets or kits. Numerous studies have shown anisms have higher recovery rates if they are introduced into the correct incubation environment as soon as possible. An optional printer is available if you want to be able to print out data for traceability and accreditation purposes. Times will vary according to jar size and whether gas is drawn from a workstation or a cylinder. Times quoted are based upon using litre jars with gas drawn from a cylinder. * Whitley Workstations Whitley Jar Gassing System Whitley Jar Gassing System/Page 2 of 4/ 053-08/October 2013 The cultivation of anisms in an oxygen-depleted atmosphere typically takes