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上传人:读书百遍 2021/2/6 文件大小:18 KB





  dear sir or madam:
  the purpose of this letter is to recommend miss xxx, a worthy candidate for admission to your graduate program。
  miss xxx took my course ‘gynecological and obstetric nursing ’for her years at university。 i was deeply impressed with her, not only for the good score "a" she got in the class but also for her highly active and devout attitude towards learning nursing theory。 sometimes, she came to my office to ask me some interesting questions about medicine and nursing theories that were not mentioned in my class and to discuss the development and application of nursing theory in gynecological and obstetric with me。 she imagined this theory as a truly amazing subject。 "well!" i thought," this young girl really likes medicine"。
  during her period as a trainee, miss xxx was well recognised by the organisation that she worked for。 she is deeply concerned with the patients’ health problems。 her dedication, her kindness and gentle nature really move me。
  miss huang also got admirable grades in other course, she was an excellent student。 she gained scholarships four times for her outstanding works during her years at university from xxxx to xx she was also invited to stay and work for the university when she finished her studies due to her outstanding academic achievements (she achieved the sixth place in the faculty in the final year)。


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