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文档介绍:panion to Environmental Philosophy panions to Philosophy This outstanding student reference series offers prehensive and authoritative survey of philosophy as a whole. Written by today’s leading philosophers,each volume provides lucid and engaging coverage of the key figures,terms,topics,and problems of the field. Taken together,the volumes provide the ideal basis for course use,representing an unparalleled work of reference for students and specialists alike. Already published in the series : The panion to Philosophy Edited by Nicholas Bunnin and Eric Tsui- James panion to Ethics Edited by Peter Singer panion to Aesthetics Edited by David Cooper panion to Epistemology Edited by Jonathan Dancy and Ernest Sosa panion to Contemporary Political Philosophy Edited by Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit panion to Philosophy of Mind Edited by Samuel Guttenplan panion to Metaphysics Edited by Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa panion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory Edited by Dennis Patterson panion to Philosophy of Religion Edited by Philip L. Quinn and Charles Taliaferro panion to the Philosophy of Language Edited by Bob Hale and Crispin Wright panion to World Philosophies Edited by Eliot Deutsch and Ron Bontekoe panion to Continental Philosophy Edited by Simon Critchley and William Schroeder panion to Feminist Philosophy Edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young panion to Cognitive Science Edited by William Bechtel and e Graham panion to Bioethics Edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer panion to the Philosophers Edited by Robert L. Arrington panion to Business Ethics Edited by Robert E. Frederick panion to the Philosophy of Science Edited by W. H. Newton-Smith panion to Environmental Philosophy Edited by Dale Jamieson ing: panion to African American Philosophy Edited by Tommy Lott and John Pittman panion to African Philosophy Edited by Kwasi Wiredu panion to hics Edited by John Harris and Justine Burley panion to Ancient Philosophy Edited by Mary Louise Gill panion t


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