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文档介绍:建筑工程预埋件施工质量控制在建筑工程施工中,预埋件可分为受力预埋件和构造预埋件两种, 通常由两部分组成: 一是埋设在砼中的锚筋, 锚筋一般采用工级或ⅱ级钢筋, 也可以用角钢或其它型钢。二是外露在砼表面的锚板,一般为 q235b 钢板或角钢等。在一些预埋件受力较大的地方, 常在锚筋末端焊接档板, 称之为小锚板, 目的是为了增强钢筋的锚固性能。而对于有抗剪要求的预埋件,在锚板上需加焊抗剪钢板、钢筋,以满足使用要求。 building engineering embedment parts construction quality control jueweigang henan cuhk construction engineering co., ltd, zip code: 463000 in the construction engineering construction, the embedment parts can be divided into force embedded parts and tectonic embedment parts two kinds, usually consists of two parts: one is buried in the concrete reinforced the anchor, anchor muscle general use of the work class orⅱ level reinforced, also can use angle steel or other payments. 2 it is exposed in the concrete surface of anchor board, general for q235b plate or angle steel, etc. in some of the more stress embedded parts place, often in steel welding anchor end dampers, called the small anchor plate, the purpose is to enhance the performance of reinforced anchorage. and to have shear requirements of the embedment parts, in the anchor board needing welding steel, steel shear, in order to meet the requirements of operation. 一、预埋件施工前的准备 1. 预埋件施工工艺流程为: 熟悉施工图纸→钢筋、钢板下料加工→焊接→支模并安装预埋件→对照施工图校对预埋件尺寸和位置→浇注→砼养护与拆模→检查预埋件施工质量 2. 预埋件施工前, 应首先熟悉图纸了解其型式、安装位置和数量, 然后按要求下料单加工制作, 在施工中往往会出现梁、板埋件按标准图籍或设计图籍选用, 而未考虑构件截面尺寸, 在安装过程中锚筋过长现场将锚筋切短的现象, 这样往往会造成埋件施工质量隐患, 为避免这一问题的出现, 必须加强图纸的审查, 发现问题及时与设计沟通采取措施解决。