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上传人:科技星球 2021/2/15 文件大小:73 KB




试题说明:1、本试题满分 150 分,答题时间 120 分钟。
第 I 卷 选择题部分
一、 完形填空(一)( 共 20 小题; 每小题 分, 满分 30 分)
I Have Two Names
Oyindasola means “Honey poured into my wealth.” It's a fairly common Nigerian (尼日利亚的) name, mainly used for , I’m known as Oyindasola, but my nickname is Chelsea. Some ask why I don’t use my real ____2____ and I tell them what my father told me: a story about him ____3____ Chelsea, South West London a year after I was born. I tell them that this nickname spoke to him so much that it ____4____ on every birthday cake of mine.
When I was seven, inside the brick walls of our townhouse in New York, we decided to ____5____ to Nigeria. And my mother needed to know what my family there would call me. The nickname I’d been called for as long as I could ____6____ or the complex name on my passport? A simple question. But it tore me apart.
A week later we found ourselves at an airport with groups of Nigerians speaking as we ____7____ for our cab. After a week of getting used to the spicier foods, and sharper scents, I fell into ____8____. Soon, my memories of Disney in America were ____9____ with sounds of Nigerian music. My tongue grew heavier with a Nigerian _____10_____, and the words shared between my mother and grandmother in their native tongue finally _____11_____. But I still wasn't Nigerian enough. Their unfriendly looks and _____12_____ were a constant reminder of who I was: an American girl with the westernized name. So I wasn't _____13_____ sad when my mother announced our back to America for her work.
On the first day of middle school in America, _____14_____ coursed through me because I knew my birth name wouldn't _____15_____ the attendance list just as I couldn’t fail to draw others’ attention. I was _____16_____ when the teacher mispronounced my painfully long name and my classmates laughed.
But with every passing year, came new _____17_____. Ev
