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文档介绍:欢迎光临Akata的Blog 
Why would you like to go abroad?
I would like to further my study in Britain There are a lot of famous universities in Britain World-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford are all in Britain I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain I don’t like the weather there
I would like to further my study in Britain for the reason that there are a lot of famous universities there, especially some world-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford For this reason, I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain in spite of the fact that I hate the weather there
Example of the Use of Linking Items
I studied Electronic Engineering with the focus on EMPS, which is Electronic Magnetism Pulses
主句 (General Fact) + with the focus on + 具体对象 + 非限制性定语从句 (Additional Information)
Are you a student or are you working now?
I am a college student studying Business with the major in Finance, which is also the area I’d like to further study in Britain
Example of the Use of Complex Sentence Structure
What kinds of leisure activities are popular in China?
Well, that’s quite an interesting question Uh…how can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way
In truth I would have to say that it really depends
For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games
Take the famous online game WOW as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20 million users in China
Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah-jong,
because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members or neighbors in China


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