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上传人:sanshenglu2 2021/2/19 文件大小:656 KB




[摘要] 高效率合理的配送是物流系统顺利运行的保证,配送线路安排的合理与否对配送速度、成本、效益影响很大。正确合理地安排车辆的配送线路,实现合理的线路运输,可以有效地节约运输时间,增加车辆利用率,从而降低运输成本,提高企业经济效益与客户服务水平,使企业达到科学化的物流管理, ,属于NP完全难问题,高效的精确算法存在的可能性不大,但可根据启发算法求得近似最优解。本文首先对物流配送进行概述,然后以婺源百源木业有限公司的配送方案为例,对百源木业有限公司的配送现状进行分析,并运用节约算法、扫描算法以及改进后的最近插入法对百源木业有限公司的配送线路进行优化,提出最优配送方案。
[关键词] 配送  车辆路径问题 节约算法 扫描算法  改进的最近插入法
Research and Designation of optimization of Baiyuan Wood Co。, Ltd。 distribution line
[Abstract] Reasonable and efficient distribution is the insurance of a smooth running logistics system; distribution line arrangement is reasonable or not has a great influence on the speed of delivery, costs and benefits。 To arrange a reasonable and correct delivery line for vehicle and achieve a reasonable transport line can effectively increase the utilization of vehicles, save transportation time, thus reducing transportation costs, improving economic efficiency, enhancing customer service levels and enable enterprises to achieve scientific logistics management, which is one of the effective way for an enterprise to improve its competitiveness. The optimization of logistics distribution routing which has high computational complexity is a NP—hard problem, that is why efficient exact algorithm is unlikely to exist. In the beginning of this paper is an overview of logistics and distribution, and then take Wuyuan Baiyuan Wood Co., Ltd. distribution as an example to analysis of the status of its distribution, and use saving algorithm, scanning algorithm and the improved method has recently inserted to optimize the distribution lines for Wuyuan Baiyuan Wood Co., and at last, propose the best distribution scheme.
[Key words] Distribution Vehicle routing problem Saving algorithm   Sweep algorithm  
Improved nearest insertion
引言 4
第1章 物流配送概述 3
 物流配送的功能 4
1.3 配送路线优化的意义 4
第2章 百源木业有限公司配送运


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