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A Brief introduction of Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday was written by John
Dighton and Dalton Trumbo
It is a 1953 romantic comedy directed and produced by William Wyler
Main actress: Audrey Hepburn
Hepburn won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance
Main actor: Gregory Peck
He is one of the world's most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s
She was named to People's magazine
as one of the 50 most beautiful women
in the world.
Audrey Hepburn
Gregory Peck
Ann (Hepburn) is the crown princess of an unspecified country .
She is on a widely publicized tour of several European capitals, including Rome. One night, she is overwhelmed by the strenuous demands of her
official duties, so she secretly leaves her country's embassy to experience Rome by herself .
Then she meet the most important man called Job Bradley who is an expatriate American reporter working for the Rome Daily American.
On the first day Joe does not know she is a princess ,he treats her very rude .
the second day ,his editor tells him that the press conference has been cancelled because the princess has suddenly "fallen ill". Joe sees a picture of her and recognizes that it is the same young woman who is in his apartment. Joe hurries home and, hiding the fact that he is a reporter, he offers to spend the day with Ann, showing her Rome . But she refuses him. But she meets Joe by accident again .So they begin to travel Roman together .
The development of the movie
This is the scene of their tour
It is a beautiful day for them . Later, Anya shares with Joe her dream of living a normal life without her crushing responsibilities. That night, at a dance on a boat, government agents finally track her down and try to escort her away, but a wild melee breaks out and Joe and Anya escape. Through all this, they gradually fall in love, but Anya realizes that their relationship cannot continue.


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