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文档介绍:Bidding Scope & Partner Questions 合作伙伴调查问卷 Bidding Scope. 邀请函 Following are some primary facts to consider in advance of our meetings during the week of August 13th. 下列是一些需要考虑的主要事件在我们 8月 13 号这个礼拜会议之前。 We realize you will not be ina position to provide a quotation for work, however it is important that we gain a confident understanding of your approach to meeting costing expectations and how you price your services. 我们认识到你们没能有机会提供劳动报价单, 但是重要是我们充分理解你们试图着成本计算和怎么为你们的服务定价。? Anderson Architects will provide design development drawings for use in pricing of the prototype build-out. Anderson 建筑师会提供进一步的图纸设计,来用于原型扩建的定价。? Anderson Architects will provide construction documents for use (in metric dimension, if necessary) in construction. Anderson 建筑师会提供建造文件,来用于建造(假如需要的话,可以用米制尺度) ? Contractor will review all construction documents patibility with China standards and China materials. Revisions will be made by Anderson Architects if necessary following discussion. Do you propose another mechanism for plishing this? How have your worked with your clients and their architects in the past? 承包人需要再审查所有的建造文件, 看是否可以用中国的标准和中国的材料。假如需要, 通过讨论, Anderson 建筑师会进行修正。你打算需要另外的机构来完成吗?你之前是怎么与你的顾客和他们的建筑师合作工作的? ? Contractor will source and purchase materials in China based on . specifications provided / approved by Anderson Architects. 承包人需要在中国基于美国提供的说明书上采购原料/ 需经过 Anderson Architects 核准。? Contractor will provid


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