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肾异位 renal ectopia, ectopic kidney
肾缺如 agenesis of kidney, anephrogenesis
孤立肾 solitary kidney
肾畸形 deformity of kidney
肾发育不全 anephrogenesis;renal agenesis
肾发育不良renal dysplasia
节段性肾发育不良 segmental dysplasia of kidney
额夕卜肾 supernumerary kidney
重复肾 renal duplication
盘状肾 disk kidney discoid kidney
融合肾 confluent kidney;fused kidney
马蹄形肾 horseshoe kidney
L 形肾 L-shaped kidney
肾下垂 nephroptosis;renal ptosis
胸内肾 thoracic kidney
盆腔肾 pelvic kidney
游走肾 excessively mobile kidney;hypermobile kidney;wandering kidney
S 形肾 S-shaped kidney
团块肾 lump kidney
胎儿肾 fetal kidney
婴儿肾 infantile kidney
单乳头肾 unipapillary kidney
肾轴性旋转 axial rotation of kidney
肾旋转异常 renal malrotation
分叉型肾盂bifid pelvis
肾外型肾盂 extrarenal pelvis
巨肾盏 megacalyx,megacalycosis
先天性巨肾盏 congenital megacalycosis
肾盏憩室 caliceal diverticulum;calyceal diverticulum;pyelogenic cyst
肾髓质管扩张 medullary ductal ectasia of kidney
肾子宫内膜异位症endometriosis of kidney
肾动静脉痿 renal arteriovenous fistula
肾静脉栓塞 thrombosis of renal vein
肾动脉栓塞 thrombosis of renal artery
stenosis of renal artery; renal arterial stenosis;renal artery stenosis
肾盏静脉痿 calyceal-venous fistula
肾盂静脉曲张varix of pelvis
肾囊肿 Cyst of kidney;Renal cyst
单纯性肾囊肿simple cyst of kidney
ploycystic renal disease;polycystic disease of kindeys;polycystic kidne
先天性肾囊性病 congenital renal cystic disease
肾髓质囊性病 medullary cystic disease of kidney
肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst
肾钙化囊肿 calcified cyst of kidney
肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cyst
肾旁假囊肿 pararenal pseudocyst
肾周围囊肿perinephric cyst
肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic cyst
肾出血性囊月中 hemorrhagic cyst of kidney
肾小球囊月中病 glomerulocystic disease
肾损伤 injury of kidney; kidney injury;renal injury
肾挫伤 contusion of kidney
肾裂伤 laceration of kidney
肾破裂 rupture of kidney
肾蒂断裂 rupture of renal pedicle
肾穿透伤 penetrating injury of kidney
穹窿静脉痿 fornico-venous fistula
肾盂毛细血管扩张症telangiectasis of renal pelvis
肾积水 hydronephrosis;nephrohydrops;nephrohydrosis
巨大肾积水 giant hydron


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