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上传人:书犹药也 2021/2/22 文件大小:19 KB




文档介绍:英语六级听力在线听 大学英语听力六级

  大学六级英语听力的提升需靠长久的积累,量变方能质变。下面是xx给大家整理的大学英语听力六级的相关知识,供大家参阅!  大学英语听力六级1
  Section A
  1. A) To change the tennis shoes in the sportswear department.
  B) To help his friend find the right department.
  C) To find his lost shoes on the tennis court.
  D) To buy himself a pair of tennis shoes.
  2. A) They produce part of their own food.
  B) They sell their own produce.
  C) They feed their family on cheap food.
  D) They buy food from farmers.
  3. A) Mr. White‟s reason for leaving. B) Mr. White‟s new appointment.
  C) A vacant position. D) How to apply for a job.
  4. A) Be hostile to Nancy. B) Ask Nancy to come out.
  C) Talk to Nancy herself. D) Write Nancy a letter.
  5. A) To serve as her tour guide. B) To serve as her bodyguard.
  C) To serve as her driver. D) To serve as her porter.
  6. A) He is often asked to go and see exhibits.
  B) He would like to go and see the exhibit.
  C) He went to see the exhibit last year.
  D) He definitely does not want to go.
  7. A) The environmental problem.
  B) The health problem.
  C) The educational problem.
  D) The international problem.
  8. A) Bob will see Susan tomorrow evening.
  B) Bob might be at home late tomorrow evening.
  C) Bob and Susan have decided to go on a holiday.
  D) Bob asked the woman to come another time.
  9. A) They think cinemas are too far away from their homes.
  B) They are disappointed with the films produced these days.
  C) They both dislike films about adventure stories.
  D) They both like the idea of going to the cinema at night.
  10. 见附图
  Section B
  Passage One
  Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  11. A) Because he was a cook at a country-music club.
  B) Because he performed for guests while he worked as a cook.
  C) Because he often sang while cooking.
  D) Because he liked singing better than cooking.
  12. A) His brother. B) His manager. C) His fathe


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