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上传人:非学无以广才 2021/2/23 文件大小:17 KB





  hello! i'm lily. i study in hongda school. it is in zhejiang. it is divided into primary school, middle school and high school. so, it is very big. and it is beautiful, too. here there are many teaching building and many dormitory building. we often learn in the teaching building. and there are many trees, flowers and grass. look, this is the playground. we often run in it. i love my school.
  my friends
  i have many friends in my class. they're lovely and interesting. i would like to introduce some of them. alice is very cute. she's also kind to everyone and she's very enthusiastic. she's always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her textbooks,but our teachers always forgive her. ben is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh linda is a quiet student. she is good at every subject but she never shows off. allen is a very tall plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. how about your classmates? do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.  i always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts a