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2014新教材译林版5A Unit 2英汉互译课件.ppt.ppt

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2014新教材译林版5A Unit 2英汉互译课件.ppt.ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/17 文件大小:0 KB


2014新教材译林版5A Unit 2英汉互译课件.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:5A Unit 2 A new student 英汉互译 1. Can you show her around ? 2. Our classroom is on the second floor . 3. Are there any computer rooms? 4. They ’ re on the third floor .5. The table tennis room is on the first floor too. 你能带她到处参观一下吗? 我们的教室在二楼。有(一些)电脑房吗? 它们在三楼。乒乓球室也在一楼。 6. In the UK, this is the ground floor . 7. In the US, this is the first floor . ush me 9. You ’ re so heavy , Sam! 10. It’ s too high! 在美国,这叫“ the first floor ”(第一层)。推我你太重了,赛姆! 在英国,这叫“ the ground floor ”(第一层)。(它)太高了! (从上面 2句话,我们知道在英国和美国,对楼层的第一层的说法不一样。) 11. It’ s great fun! 12. Let ’ s play again! 13. It's time for dinner. (它)太有趣了! 让我们再玩一次! 晚餐时间到了。 1. Can you show her around? 2. Our classroom is on the second floor . 3. Are there any computer rooms? 4. They ’ re on the third floor .5. The table tennis room is on the first floor too. 你能带她到处参观一下吗? 我们的教室在二楼。有(一些)电脑房吗? 它们在三楼。乒乓球室也在一楼。 6. In the UK, this is the ground floor . 7. In the US, this is the first floor . ush me 9. You ’ re so heavy , Sam! 10. It’ s too high! 在美国,这叫“ the first floor ”(第一层)。推我你太重了,赛姆! 在英国,这叫“ the ground floor ”(第一层)。(它)太高了! (从上面 2句话,我们知道在英国和美国,对楼层的第一层的说法不一样。) 11. It’ s great fun! 12. Let ’ s play again! 13. It's time for dinner. (它)太有趣了! 让我们再玩一次! 晚餐时间到了。 1. Can you show her around? 2. Our classroom is on the second floor . 3. Are there any computer rooms? 4. They ’ re on the third floor .5. The table tennis room is on the first floor too. 你能带她到处参观一下吗? 我们的教室在二楼。有(一些)电脑房吗? 它们在三楼。乒乓球室也在一楼。