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外文题目(中文):Cultural goods, market and national relations and international free trade system (文化商品,市场与国家关系和国际自由贸易制度)
时 间: 2010年9月 至 2011年6月
Cultural goods, market and national relations and international free trade system
Jim Mc Guigan
An example in cultural studies is the most popular today "cultural economy" - on economic and cultural thoughts to check it, rather than as an industry as a kind of words. Cultural historians will say the trend is difficult to Atlantic new party. In 1992, British media academics Jim MaiGuiGen blamed on contemporary paradigm crisis culture research, its separation from cultural and political economy. He put forward louder appeal and a pair of consumption culture mode of production as the center. His proposal also a populist criticism, leading, consumption as the center, with value of examples of the audience, ' 'positive is a sovereign consumption subject is who (imagine is) not industrial control economic and cultural existence reason McGrigan, 1992). MaiGuiGen, of course, quite a person in his own time. How to put back on the bottle - for the elves in 'economic recovery mode, avoid it enters' key back to marxist economic rights fatalism - is still a provocative, but not out of the mission.
In 1992, when the humanities center at Wesleyan university in Massachusetts, theorist and culture combined each 1 team director in American culture industry for a term called seminar "producing and sales culture" (Mr Mann, 1996). This is an amazing attempt, sponsored by Coca-Cola Coca-Cola foundation, academic access to cultural criticism of the industry, how the latter imagine market research and consumer, and asked them if they intentionally create and shape our hope.
The research methods, launched a module, this conference most close to overcome epistemology is divided into production center and consumption as the center of the method, material conditions in culture understanding query, na


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