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文档介绍:摘 要
关键词:混凝土面板堆石坝 调洪演算 坝体设计 渗流计算 稳定验算 河岸溢洪道
This paper for the surface of concrete face rockfill dam design specifications, according to the basic information and given the characteristics of concrete face rockfill dam for flood regulating calculation, the total selection in the design of the four kinds of solutions, through the combined with the downstream flood control requirements for flood regulating calculation, and economic factors, finally four options, which chooses the plan of dam is 75 m wide、
This design mainly for flood regulating calculation, design, design of spillway, the surface spillway dam partition line, dam seepage analysis and dam body stability calculation、 The design and arrangement of the spillway in the Banks of the river on the right bank of the river, spillway was right in the groove、 71、3 m high dam, the upstream dam slope degree is 1、4, the downstream slope 1、3 dam axis length of 449、4 m, decorate in the bend、 This scheme by the dam seepage calculation, stability analysis and meet the requirements、
Keywords: concrete face rockfill dam, flood routing, design of dam body ,seepage calculation, Stability calculation, The bank spillway
目 录
摘要 I
第1章 工程基本资料 1
1、1 流域概况及枢纽任务 1
1、2 设计要求 2
1、3 枢纽设计基本资料 2
第2章 调洪计算 9
2、1调洪演算 9
2、2方案选取 15
第3章 坝址选择及枢纽布置 17
3、1 坝址及坝型选择 17
3、2 枢纽总体布置 18
3、3土石坝坝型选择 18
3、4大坝轮廓拟定 19
3、5混凝土面板、趾板设计 25
3、6分缝止水设计 27
第4章 坝体计算 29
4、1渗流分析 29
4、2坝体稳定分析 36
4、3坝体沉降计算 46
第5章 坝基处理 49
5、1基础处理 49
5、2 细部构造设计 50
第6章 溢洪道设计 53
6、1泄水方案选择 53
6、2溢洪道选线 53
6、3溢洪道设计 53
6、4溢洪道水力计算 56
结 语 65
专题:河岸溢洪道的适用条件 67
外文文献及翻译 71
Fuzzy Earthwork Dynamic Allocation and Optimization for Construction of High Concrete Face Rockfill Dam 71