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文档介绍:A shark has an extremely good sense of can find small amounts of substances in water,such as blood and body liquids by also sense electrical and ic energy linked to nerves and muscles of living animals . There are hundreds of kinds of I'm going to tell you two of the most famous sharks. The kinds of sharks The great white shark is a streamlined swimmer and a ferocious predator with 3,000 teeth at any one much-feared fish has a torpedo- shaped body,a pointed snout,a crescent-shaped tail,5 gill slits,no fin spines,an anal fin,and 3 main fins:the dorsal fin (on its back) and 2 pectoral fins (on its sides).When the shark is near the surface,the dorsal fin and part of the tail are visible above the water. Carcharadon carcharias Rhincodon typus The whale shark is a slow-moving filter feeding shark, the largest living fish species. The largest confirmed individual was metres ( ft) in length. The heaviest weighed more than 36 tonnes (79,000 lb) The shark is found in warm oceans, lives in the open sea with a lifespan of about 70 species originated about 60 million years ago. Sharks Attack Human Attacked By Sharks ? A Nudist Swimmer in Hawaii A 54-year -old man suffers ankle injuries in waters off a clothing-optional beach in Nov 4,2015. ? A Tourist in Cape Town ,South Africa Lloyd Skeno attacked and finally eaten by sharks. Though the government searched for the body, it's said that there was no hope that they would find it . ? Sharks Attack in South Africa ,1957 Between the end of 1957 and the beginning of 1958 , there were 7 accidents in South Africa. Because it mainly concentrated in the Christmas,so it was also called "Bloody Christmas ". ?...... Why sharks attack human beings ? There are many opinions to explain why sharks sometimes attack people. One opinion is that sharks are just curious. We know that sharks are the strongest animals in their environment,


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