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上传人:sssmppp 2021/2/28 文件大小:64 KB




文档介绍:摘 要 -1-
Abstract ・ 2 -
弓I 言 _ 3 -
一、 信后是电商经济发展的关键 -3-
C-)信用的含义 -3-
C-)电子商务经济中的信用 -3-
二、 阿里巴巴信用评级体系 -4-
(一) 诚信通 -4-
(二) 支付宝 -7-
三、 阿里巴巴信用评级体系中存在的问题 -10-
C-)信用指数造假问题 -10-
(二) 信用系统的记忆长短问题 -10-
(三) 信息的跨系统使用问题 -10-
四、 建立更加完善的阿里巴巴信用评级体系 -10-
C-)加强信用监督和完善失信惩罚措施 -11-
(二) 采用合理的信用反馈机制 -11-
(三) 构造公正合理的评分信用体系 -11-
(四) 整合资源,打造系统全面的信用评级体系 -11-
结 论 -13 -
参考文献 -14 -
致 谢 -15 -
古人曾说过,“民无信不立”,意思就是人没有了信用也就没有立足之地。其实,信 用不仅是每个人立世之本,也在经济生活中扮演着重要角色。信用是商品交换中最不可或 缺的介质之一,没有信用,就无谈交换。信用,不但是现实生活中发展市场经济所必备的 要素,而且还关系着电子商务等网络虚拟经济的成长与发展。所以,对电子商务环境下的 信用交易状况进行研究分析显然是很有必要的。本文将以中国电子商务领域的领头羊一阿 里巴巴作为研究对象,对其信用评级体系进行着重分析。首先对阿里巴巴的信用评级现状 进行分析,主要通过支付宝、诚信通等会员制度的分析。其次找出阿里巴巴信用评级体系 中存在的问题,包括诚信指数造假、系统记忆的长短取舍和资源不能共享等。最后针对阿 里巴巴目前信用评级体系中存在的弊端提出相应解决方法。通过对阿里巴巴信用评级体系 分析可以深刻理会到:经济生活的交易互换必需依靠信用完成,而相比与线下交易的真实 性,虚拟的网络交易对信用的需求则要更加强烈和急迫。
Study on the credit rating system of Alibaba
The ancients had said, a person will not be able to survive if he can't keep his word, it means one will have no place to hide in case he breaks his credit. In fact, Credit is not only the world for everyone, also plays an important role in the economic life. Credit is one of the most indispensable medium of exchange, no credit, there is no exchange. Credit is not merely essential to the development of market economy in real life, and is related to the electronic commerce such as the growth and development of virtual economy. Therefore, under the environment of electronic commerce, it is obviously very necessary to make analysis of the credit trading status. The article will take the leader in the field of Chinese e-commerce - Alibaba as the research object, its credit rating system is emphatically analyzed. First, analyze the present situation and problems of credit transactions in Alibaba, mainly through analyzing Alipay, Trustpass membership system. Secondly, find out the problems existing in the Alibaba credit rating system, including fraud of credit index ,the problem of the