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文档介绍:近些年来,家电领域产品变化、技术发展、更新换代 之快简直令人目不暇接,但作为白色家电冰箱的变化似乎 不大。
传统的电冰箱的冷藏室温控器旋钮一般有7个数字, 这些数字并不表示冰箱内具体的温度值,而是表示所控制 的温度档位。数字越小,箱内温度越高。随着人们的生活 水平的提高,对冰箱的控制功能要求越来越高,这对电冰 箱控制器提出了更高的要求,传统冰箱的温控器也就无法 满足人们的需求了。因此,能够实现精确控制温度、方便 的设定和修改并且能够实时显示当前温度是非常重要的。
随着技术的发展,目前有些冰箱采用了电脑只能温控 及LCD(或LED)箱门外温度显示。所谓智能温控就是通过 感温头精确感应,把冰箱内温度的变化传递给中央控制芯 片,由芯片控制制冷系统使冰箱内温度达到显示屏上设定 值,使用者只需要根据食物的种类不同设定不同的温度即 可,以此达到最大的保鲜程度。
这里介绍一种电脑型电冰箱温控器的设计电路,使用 16*2字符型带背光的液晶模组作显示,显得豪华、气派, 具有时代气息。
In recent years, the products change , technology development ,quickness of renovation and upgrade in home appliance field make people feel dizzy ,but little change in white goods.
The thermostat knob of traditional refrigerator freezer has 7 figures in general, these figures do not suggest a specific temperature within the refrigerator, but that the temperature of control gear. Lower the number, the higher the temperature inside. As people's living standards improve, refrigerators have become increasingly demanding control functions which put forward higher requirements of the controller ,the traditional refrigerator thermostat will not be able to meet the demands of the people. Therefore,it is very important to achieve precise temperature control, set and modify in real time easily and display the current temperature.
With the development of technology, some refrigerator use computer intelligent temperature control and LCD (or LED) box outside temperature display. The so-called smart temperature control is induced by temperature sensor accuracy, the refrigerator temperature is passed to the central control chip, the chip to control the refrigeration system so that the refrigerator temperature reach the display settings . Users only need to set different temperatures based on the type of food in order to achieve the greatest degree of preservation.
Here are a computer-based design of refrigerator thermostat circuit, which use 16 * 2 character LCD module with backlight for display, appears t


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