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上传人:glfsnxh 2021/2/28 文件大小:105 KB




1 I’ll write down your name and address lest you ___ as a witness.
A. are needed B. will be needed C. need D. be needed
2 I want ___ by the president, but it was impossible.
A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. being to see
3 ___ you’ve found, you must give it back to the librarian.
A. That B. Because C. Whatever D. However
4 ___ he realized it was time to go back home.
A. No sooner it grew dark when B. Hardly it grew dark than
C. Scarcely it grew dark than D. It was not until dark that
5 To ___ wages and salaries means to increase purchasing power.
A. raise B. rise C. life D. improve
6 I’ll be going to the park on foot while my car ___.
A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will be repaired D. is to repaired
7 She was given ___ pay for her hard work.
A. additional B. adding C. active D. financial
8 We are celebrating for having found the solution ___ the problem.
A. for B. about C. as for D. to
9 You ___ caught by the rain just now for you are all wet.
A. can’t be B. must being C. must have been D. can’t have
10 ___ is easier than to do.
A. To say B. Saying C. To be saying D. Being said
The picnics, speeches and parades of today’s Labor Day were all part of the first celebration held in New York City in 1882. Its promoter was an Irish-American labor leader named Peter J.


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