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文档介绍:中文摘要中国传统社会可以说是科举社会,科举制度在中国传统社会的政治结构中具有中心地位。科举千年来曾起过十分重要的历史作用,如扩大了封建专制制度的统治基础,巩固了中国的统一,抑制了君主专制走向暴力的恶性发展,选拔和培养了大批治国安邦人才,推进了中国文化的繁荣与发展等等。从某种意义上说,科举考试的公平竞争, 以及它所体现的对教育的重视、对知识文化的祟尚、对贵族倾向的排斥和它所促成的政治组织的完善等等,都相当接近于近代社会的价值取向。从科举的发展史可以看出,科举是君主专制的中央集权政治的产物。既然如此,科举产生后也就必然为维护,促进和加强中央集权政治的根本目的服务,发挥它的政治功能。科举的政治功能包括政治社会化功能、政治控制功能、政治录用功能、政治参与功能等,这些功能是互相融通互相作用互相支持的。本文试图把科举制度置于特定历史背景下,运用现代政治学理论进行剖析,挖掘它的政治功能。文章史论结合,围绕科举制度如何发挥政治功能,产生何种历史作用展开论述。在此基础上,总结历史经验教训,镜鉴现实社会,以期为当代公务员选拔制度的改革和发展提供些许启示。关键词:科举制度;官员选拔;政治功能 ABSTRACT The traditional Chinese society may be viewed Imperial Examinations Society,in which the imperial examination system was central to the political structure,playing an important role in history for over a thousand years,such as having expanded the feudalism ruling foundation,consolidated China’S unity,restrained the monarchy from malignant developing to violence,selected and fostered thousands of pol itical talents for the state,and promoted the prosperity and development of Chinese a sense,the petition in the imperial examinations,its emphasising on education,upholding knowledge and culture,rejecting the tendency of nobility,and its optimizing the anization,etc,are rather close to the value orientation ofmodern imperial history shows that the imperial examination system was an e of centralized , it would certainly service for the fundamental purpose of maintaining,advancing and strengthening fundamental centralization,performing its political functions,including political control,political participation,and governmental functions were mutualiy interacting,supporting and thesis tries to put the imperial examination system into the specific historical background,and analyze itby using modern political theories,SO as to excavate its pol itical history bined,the thesis illustrates how the system was working,what pol itical results it thiS basis,the thesis draws historical ex